Tuesday 1 March 2011

Chanel Fashion Shoot...

A photoshoot for the college fashion team. This was a last min shoot so had 5min to prepare the studio with lighting set-up.
Photo-shopped the backlight out of the shot apart from a few minor tweeks and adjustments this is as shot.
Quite pleased with the outcome as have never worked in this studio before, big thanks to the fashion team and the model they were great to work with..

Same photoshoot as above with different models, limited light here resulted in the model on the right to be slightly darker than the rest, kinda works for me though so chose this as one of my finals.
Something about the attidude in this shot that i liked..

Same photoshoot as above.
Took various shots of this model, cant decide a fav? this is one from a short list of three.

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