Tuesday 22 March 2011


Chantel.. Had the help from some of the fashion team here for my 1930s style photo shoot.
Took various shots will post some as are and some finished in the black & white.
Shot using 3x bowens lights, one to the rear behind the model, one to the right with softbox and one to the left shoot through.
I really like this shot, one of my fav's so far. Great models to work with so a big thanks for the chance to take these shots.

Black & White version in 1930s style, soft glow and focus. 

3/4 crop straight on shot.

Edited Black & White version.

Shot with different backdrop and from slightly above.

Edited Black & White version for the magazine ISSUU.

Friday 18 March 2011


Edited version of Danny, Back light and soft box to right, shoot through to the left.
Done two versions this just as a full colour version the second a black & white with blur to soften image to the 1930's  theme, all test shots towards my final images for the Bettie Davis Eyes theme.

Black & White version in the 1930's theme..

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Same photoshoot as the previous image i've posted.
Different editing software, trying out Portrait Professional at the mo.
Smooths the skin perfectly, takes hours in Photoshop not to sure if overdone on this?
feel free to comment?

Monday 14 March 2011


Working on a 1930's themed photoshoot at the moment for the song Bette Davis eyes.
The shots will run along side the song and will all be shot in 1930's style using the traditional black and white with blur and soft focusing.
These selected images are test shots.

Slightly more soft focusing in this shot than the previous one and got more close in and shot from slightly above than the first.

Not exactly 1930's clothing in this image, just wanted to see how it felt bringing the modern with the 1930's look.

Thursday 10 March 2011


Test shots again...
Had some studio time inbetween shots so thought i would take a few off the class as my test shots.
This is Holly, i took a few of Holly and chose this image for the comfort look of it.
I like the position of the shoes at the bottom of the shot here.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Power Nap...

Working in the studio today with Holly and Patrick testing the lighting set-ups.
This shot sort of stood out from the rest for some reason?
Maybe i was jealous of Patrick's perching post?

Today was a very sleepy day for everyone...

Monday 7 March 2011

Lovers Island...

Llanddwyn Island just off Newborough Beach in Anglesey.
Known as lovers island, This was some walk from the car park felt like a ten mile round trip turns out it's only four! felt like ten with all my camera gear and a months supply of beef sandwiches anyway!
This place reminded me of cornwall with its little coves and beaches, what an amazing place less than two hours from home.
Shame the sky wouldnt break for us on this day, it had been raining for hours previously and we were lucky enough for it to stop while we were there.
Would love to go again when the weather is nice.
Here is a usefull site with information on this location below.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Chanel Fashion Shoot...

A photoshoot for the college fashion team. This was a last min shoot so had 5min to prepare the studio with lighting set-up.
Photo-shopped the backlight out of the shot apart from a few minor tweeks and adjustments this is as shot.
Quite pleased with the outcome as have never worked in this studio before, big thanks to the fashion team and the model they were great to work with..

Same photoshoot as above with different models, limited light here resulted in the model on the right to be slightly darker than the rest, kinda works for me though so chose this as one of my finals.
Something about the attidude in this shot that i liked..

Same photoshoot as above.
Took various shots of this model, cant decide a fav? this is one from a short list of three.