Tuesday 1 February 2011

The Midnight Skater...

Part two of my sleepwalking shoot with Leon, we sort of got the shots we needed so had some fun. Not very often ya get to skate in ya slippers and pyjamas and it had been raining so slamming was on the cards tonight. I was hoping he did, i guess he was thinking the opposite. Sorry Leon but would of made for a great shot. So here's one for the skateboard scapbook. Cheers again Leon..

Tried a different view from above the bowl looking down onto the reflections.
The ambient light coming in from the top left cast a strange shadow through the railings that also created a reflection of broken light that half lit up the left hand side of the bowl.

I thought a 3rd shot looking across the top of the bowl with the glow of the power station in the background would work well here, the look of suspended anticipation on Leon, do i? don't i?
These images were for a sleepwalking photoshoot, again thanks to Leon for braving the cold in his pj's again....

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