Thursday 7 July 2011

I stand alone...

I stand alone....Church Street, Dolwyddelan, Wales.
After getting totally soaked to the core exploring all the wrong routes up towards Dolwyddelan Castle we decided to look at and old chapel in Dolwyddelan. It is well worth a look, gravestones hundreds of years old, trees probably older with holes big enough to hide inside and an old shed at one end with more grass on the roof that the local rugby pitch.
As we were leaving this man passed by said hello and continued a little further, i quickly changed my lens to my 85mm and shot this image as he paused. The look on his face was as if he was contemplating continuing? looking towards the local shop at the end of the street and back towards were he had walked from at the other end of the lane.
There was something special about that moment that made this shot for me.


The Fairy at Fairy Glen...
I found this little Fairy hidden under the foliage of a tree at the base of Fairy Glen near Betws-y-Coed in Wales.
Wile Jon and Howie were busy taking shots of the torrent river i was sat catching my breath from the hike with all my camera gear, camera in one hand sandwich in the other i spotted something at the base of the tree, turns out it was this little fairy hidden by leaves and branches.I had to use flash to capture the shot as it was really dark at the base of the cliff edge. I wonder how many people visit this amazing place and have walked right past this?

Friday 17 June 2011

End of year Fashion Show...

The following shots are a sellection taken from the end of year fashion show for college.

Thanks to all the models, make up team and stylists and the Fashion department for there hard work and most of all to Gary for inviting me to take photos. Thanks again Gary for all the opportunities and help this year...

Friday 3 June 2011

Testing my slide film...

Shot using my Nikon F90X film camera with a Nikon 50mm lens and using Velvia 50 slide film.

Kaz at Llandudno North Wales...
Shot using my Nikon F90X film camera with a Sigma 24mm lens and using Kodak Elite Chrome 100 slide film.

Friday 13 May 2011

Crazy Killer Clowns...

This is the first shot in the sequence, the crate has crash landed in a forest. 

The crazy killer clowns start to smash there way out of the crate. 

A closer view of the crazy killer clowns attempts to break free. 

In a crazy bid to escape the clowns use one of there own as a battering ram and smash there way to freedom

There first glimpse of freedom.

A close up of the stunned crazy killer clown.


Has he saw me?

He's spotted me, run!!!

Stay away!!!!! 


It's to late they have got me, quick run and save yourself!!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Crazy Clowns...

Taken for part of my last brief, this is a shot out of a series of 9 images.
Somewere in the middle of the set. Story goes, a crate of crazed clowns crash lands and they escape killing everyone they see. Im still scratching from the nat bites i got taking these shots as i write this. Should have done the theme crazed photographer eaten by killer nats instead.

Thursday 5 May 2011


These images were taken in the same photo shoot as Chantel's for my 1930's Hollywood Glamour brief.
The contrast between hair and background colour seemed to be a problem at first but once viewed in Black & White the pattern in the backdrop worked as less of blend and distracted from the initial colour problem, i was after textures and shapes in these shots more so than hair colour.
I am really pleased with the outcome of this series of images as they complimented the brief perfectly.

Edited Black & White version.

This was amongst of my more technical shots taken over the whole photo shoot, ranging from the positioning of the catch light in the eyes to the shadowing and fall off of light.
I am again really pleased with the overall outcome, all the images together work really well and compliment each other. All of the models, fashion team, make up department and hair department were a pleasure to work with any again many thanks for all your help on this photo shoot.
Below is my finished Black & White version.

Edited final Black & White version.